Page 32 - DIY Investor Magazine - Issue 28
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  ‘STRONG PERFORMANCE OF OUR TOTAL RETURN INDEX, WHICH IS UP 63.6% SO FAR THIS YEAR’ REDUCING CARBON FOOTPRINTS Users of the products and services sold by the constituents of iClima index can reduce their carbon footprint based on several measures. For example, ‘Scope 1’ is defined as direct emissions from a company’s facilities and vehicles. In our EV solutions subsegments, we have companies such as Workhorse or Aptiv that could help an e-commerce player embrace zero carbon emission delivery solutions based on electric trucks, or EV makers such as Tesla to reduce the emissions of the company’s own fleet of cars. ‘Scope 2’ is defined as indirect emissions embedded in the energy sourced by a company. This is where many companies have been able to lower emissions, by sourcing electricity from renewable sources. iClima’s benchmark has several global and more local asset owners of renewable energy projects including Iberdrola, NextEra Energy, and Orsted, among others. Finally, ‘Scope 3’ are emissions from both upstream and downstream activities, such as emissions from goods and services purchased, business travel, waste generated in the company’s operations, emissions that take place in the use of the products sold and end of life treatment of the products sold. Although Scope 3 is the hardest measure to assess, it provides the most accurate picture of a company’s carbon footprint, and therefore the true extent of their emissions avoidance. LOOKING AHEAD The time has come for the world to quantify CO2e avoidance, and we hope to contribute to this task by providing our own framework of potential CO2e avoidance through the companies in our index. We are stepping on the shoulders of the great minds behind Project Drawdown and other thought leaders to provide our own carbon avoidance benchmark, and we hope CO2e avoided emissions will become a widely used metric in the battle against global warming. Gabriela Herculano is the founder of the iClima Global Decarbonsiation Enablers UCITS ETF. When you trade ETFs your capital is at risk. (1) Source: The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change at the London School of Economics, commissioned by the Transition Pathway Initiative, 2020 (2) Source: UN Environment Programme Emissions Gap Report 2019 (3) Source: (Avoided Emissions Framework, 2019) (4) Year to date in sterling terms, as of 2 December 2020 More information on iClima Global Decarbonisation Enablers UCITS ETF here > To buy this trust login to your EQi account iClima Global Decarbonisation Enablers UCITS ETF (CLMA) - IE00BNC1F287 Important Information: Communications issued in the UK The content in this document is issued by HANetf Limited (“HANetf”), an appointed representative of Mirabella Advisers LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA FRN 606792). HANetf is registered in England and Wales with registration number 10697042. This communication has been prepared for professional investors, but the Exchange Traded Funds (“ETFs”) set out in this communication may be available in some jurisdictions to any investors. Please check with your broker or intermediary that the relevant ETF is available in your jurisdiction and suitable for your investment profile. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The price of the ETFs may vary and they do not offer a fixed income. This document may contain forward looking statements including statements regarding our belief or current expectations with regards to the performance of certain assets classes. Forward looking statements are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions. There can be no assurance that such statements will be accurate and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Therefore, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The content of this document does not constitute an investment advice nor an offer for sale nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any product or make any investment. An investment in an exchange traded product is dependent on the performance of the underlying asset class, less costs, but it is not expected to track that performance exactly. The ETFs involve numerous risks including among others, general market risks relating to underlying adverse price movements in an Index or underlying asset class and currency, liquidity, operational, legal and regulatory risks. The information contained on this document is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an advertisement or any other step in furtherance of a public offering of securities in the United States or any province or territory thereof, where HANetf ICAV or their ETFs are authorised or registered for distribution and where no prospectus of HANetf ICAV has been filed with any securities commission or regulatory authority. No document or information on this document should be taken, transmitted or distributed (directly or indirectly) into the United States. HANetf ICAV, nor any securities issued by it, have been or will be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 or the Investment Company Act of 1940 or qualified under any applicable state securities statutes. HANetf ICAV is an open-ended Irish collective asset management vehicle issuing under the terms in the Prospectus and relevant Supplement approved by the Central Bank of Ireland (“CBI”) (“Prospectus”) is the issuer of the ETFs. Investors should read the current version of the Prospectus before investing and should refer to the section of the Prospectus entitled ‘Risk Factors’ for further details of risks associated with an investment in the ETFs. Any decision to invest should be based on the information contained in the Prospectus. The Prospectus can all be downloaded from The decision and amount to invest in any ETF should take into consideration your specific circumstances after seeking independent investment, tax and legal advice.       DIY Investor Magazine | Apr 2021 32 

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